A groundbreaking astronomical discovery has provided scientists with an unprecedented glimpse into the early universe.
If astronomers could catch bursts of gamma rays from supernova explosions that create neutron stars near the Milky Way, the ...
Researchers have documented a rare supernova, 2023ufx, the most metal-poor stellar explosion observed, located in a dwarf ...
Astronomers have taken the first close-up image of a star beyond our galaxy, and it’s a “monster star” surrounded by a cocoon ...
The nature of dark matter has puzzled astronomers since discovering that 85% of the universe's matter is invisible through ...
When stars explode as supernovas, they can cause serious cosmic carnage. Is Earth in any danger from any nearby stars?
Astronomers have taken a superdetailed, zoomed-in photo of the Large Magellanic Cloud's "behemoth star." The stunning image, ...
Researchers believe that observing gamma rays from a supernova could confirm the existence of axions, potentially solving the ...
An international team of researchers has made new observations of an unusual supernova, finding the most metal-poor stellar explosion ever observed.
Discover the explosive end of a star's life—supernovas. Learn what causes these cosmic events and their impact with ...
Adidas has announced the launch for the Supernova Rise 2, an upgraded version of its everyday running shoe that was ...