One of the most beloved characters in mangaka Yukinobu Tatsu’s Dandadan anime and manga series is none other than Vamola, who has yet to appear in season 1 of the former format. It’s unlikely ...
Struggling with creativity, Tatsu found inspiration in a classic horror movie, fueling Dandadan's unique blend of absurdity ...
One Piece has tough competition after Dandadan's popularity had fans deeming the series as Anime of the Year on X, especially ...
While there are many mysteries yet to be explored in mangaka Yukinobu Tatsu’s Dandadan series, one of the most vexing of them all surrounds protagonist Ken “Okarun” Takakura. Although ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Dandadan is exploding in popularity with its viral theme song and insane first episode. The anime balances multiple genres in a single ...