Kevin McCarty wins mayoral race in Sacramento, defeating Dr. Flojaune Cofer. McCarty's focus on jobs and homelessness.
(FOX40.COM) — Dr. Flojaune Cofer conceded the Sacramento mayoral race Tuesday, one day after Sacramento County said it was done processing ballots. “Last night I called to offer my ...
My love for the city didn’t start with the campaign and it doesn’t end here,’ Cofer says after conceding mayor’s race.
McCarty’s victory is over opponent and epidemiologist Flojaune Cofer. The final election results showed McCarty with 50.51% ...
McCarty, a Democrat who represented Sacramento in the Capitol for nearly a decade, was the more moderate candidate in the ...
In an interview with CapRadio, Dr. Flojaune Cofer explained why she is not conceding the Sacramento mayoral race, despite her ...
Kevin McCarty has claimed victory in the race to be the next mayor of Sacramento, after more ballot counts were released on ...
The race for Sacramento mayor was a tumultuous one, seeing McCarty's lead dwindle but ultimately never fall to Cofer. McCarty ...
With all of Sacramento's votes counted and verified, Kevin McCarty will be the city's next mayor. Reflecting on the race, Dr.
Dr. Flojaune Cofer has officially conceded to Kevin McCarty in the Sacramento mayoral race. Cofer released a statement ...
Dr. Flojaune Cofer conceded the Sacramento mayoral race Tuesday, one day after Sacramento County said it was done processing ...