Hajime Isayama launched the original Attack on Titan manga in Kodansha 's Bessatsu Shōnen Magazine in 2009, and ended the series in April 2021. The manga's 34th and final volume shipped in June 2021.
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President Bashar al-Assad’s immediate location was not initially clear after rebels took control of Syria’s capital. Russia’s Foreign Ministry did not provide details on where he had gone ...
The foreign ministry of Russia, a longtime ally, did not provide details on where President Bashar al-Assad had gone. Rebels stormed the Syrian capital on Sunday without encountering any ...
Fullmetal Alchemist Quiz: How well do you know the Homunculi?
101 years ago today, a sign was erected in the California hills advertising a new housing project called "Hollywoodland." Real estate developers Woodruff and ...