Serious accident this evening after 6:30 pm in Viale Marconi, Cagliari. A scooter and a Lancia Ypsilon collided, near Maury's. Two injured: both were traveling on a motorcycle. One is in a coma at ...
The march in Cagliari against the restrictions of the Security Decree set off without authorization and after some scuffles, it turned into a pro-Palestine and anti-Israel demonstration.
“Inflated” prices on the Volotea website. A technical problem, explains the Department of Transport, relating to flights in territorial continuity to and from Sardinia. Anyone who in the last ...
A month after the disappearance of young Riccardo Licheri, sixteen-year-old son of the mayor of Ghilarza, his schoolmates remember him with a Memorial. A strong and dull pain, a death that came ...
The funding is there, but the work is not taking off. The former Carlo Felice, the main entrance to Macomer from Cagliari and Oristano and the only connection to the industrial area of Tossilo ...
"We say that to be Italian you need to know Italian, Italian history, geography, the constitution and civic education. This is why we say in our Ius Italiae proposal that after ten years of ...
Two aerospace companies from Brindisi allegedly supplied non-compliant aeronautical components to Leonardo-Aerostrutture for the production of an aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. According to ...
Experts and professionals gathered in Jerzu: the critical issues were analyzed but the sectors that work best were also highlighted An analysis of the state of health of healthcare in Sardinia.
In Stintino it will be possible to bury animals that die from bluetongue. The authorization is part of the seven specific ordinances for the local breeders involved, requested by the prevention ...
Tight controls in Rome for the pro-Palestine demonstration that started today at 2 pm in the Capital and was banned by the Police Headquarters. We learn that 1,600 people have been checked so far ...
Salvatore Frulio, Antonio Rudas and Giovanni Piras recall their story of being expelled from the left-wing union in 2017 La conferenza stampa (foto Floris) Cgl against Cgil in Sassari. Salvatore ...
The Assago Forum was once a land of conquest, but after the three victories of Pozzecco's team in the 2018/19 season (one in the championship and two in the semifinals of the championship) Dinamo ...