Walt Disney's animated musical "Moana 2" debuted with an estimated $368 million in global ticket sales through Sunday and ...
In a sign of the company's changing streaming strategy, Disney pivoted 'Moana 2' from a series to a big-screen film. The move has paid off at the box office.
Moana 2” brought in a tidal wave of moviegoers over the Thanksgiving Day weekend, setting records with $221 million in ticket ...
Walt Disney's animated musical "Moana 2" debuted with an estimated $368 million in global ticket sales through Sunday and ...
Moana's Kakamora are based in real-life Pacific Island legend, which is turn might be inspired by an actual small-stature ...
There are two main villains in Moana 2: Nalo and Matangi.
Teamwork and courage overcome danger in engaging sequel.
In Moana 2, the central character is a more mature and experienced wayfinder, seeking to restore environmental harmony and ...
The first "Moana" ended with a post-credits scene featuring Tamatoa, the famously shiny crab. When “Moana 2,” the sequel to ...