The Dependent Care Expansion of the ACA may have improved survival outcomes among cancer patients aged 19-25 years.
Although young breast cancer survivors who attempted to breastfeed were mostly satisfied with the experience, a majority reported not receiving specific information about breastfeeding after breast ...
In a randomized trial, transperineal and transrectal approaches to prostate biopsies offered similar rates of cancer detection, but transrectal biopsy was associated with a significantly higher ...
Data suggest that uptake of colorectal cancer screening increased after the USPSTF issued a recommendation that all average-risk individuals aged 45 to 49 years should undergo screening.
Phase 2 data support the feasibility of administering liso-cel in the community setting with outpatient monitoring in appropriate patients.
Some physicians have urged their colleagues and medical societies to move professional conferences out of states that criminalize abortion. When conferences are not moved, these physicians have called ...