The Fifth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held on Sunday in southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu, saw extensive discussions among the foreign ministers on comprehensively advancing ...
But despite the rising trepidation about both regions, for those at t he very top of the Pentagon Asia remains the top concern, with a rapidly rearming China that senior U.S. officials say ...
The way the dinosaurs relinquished their long dominance is well known. An asteroid struck Earth 66 million years ...
The U.S. decision to allow Ukraine to fire American weapons deeper into Russia has not increased the risk of a nuclear attack, which is unlikely, despite Russian President ...
China's top legislator Zhao Leji expressed China's commitment to advancing China-Spain relations and fostering a relationship that supports the steady, long-term growth of China-Europe ties, during ...
Lebanon's Hezbollah movement fired heavy rocket barrages at Israel on Sunday, with Israeli media reporting that a building had been hit near Tel Aviv, after a powerful Israeli ...
Ukraine fired a volley of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles into Russia on Wednesday, the latest new Western weapo ...
A unified voice calling for bolder actions to decarbonize the maritime transport and ensure a green transition has been heard in the World Maritime Merchants Forum 2024, which officially concluded on ...
歐盟明年將會向烏克蘭提供180億歐元援助, 並會在今個月額外提供42億歐元, 用於支持當地財政. 新任歐洲理事會主席科斯塔(Antonio Costa), 以及歐盟外交與安全政策高級代表卡拉斯(Kaja Kallas), 星期日訪問烏克蘭首都基輔, 並與烏克蘭總統澤連斯基會面. 科斯塔表示, 明年1月起, 歐盟將每月向烏克蘭提供15億歐元援助, 有關資金來自被凍結的俄羅斯資產收益.
政府計劃收回粉嶺高爾夫球場部分用地興建公屋. 香港哥爾夫球會入稟高等法院, 就高球場用地的環評報告提出司法覆核. 高等法院頒下書面判調, 裁定球會大部份勝訴, 推翻環評報告, 要求政府重新進行公眾諮詢.
中國人民銀行公布, 為滿足金融機構臨時性流動性需求, 11月份對金融機構開展常備借貸便利操作共7億6400元人民幣, 其中隔夜期7億5400萬元人民幣, 7天期1000萬元人民幣. 期末常備借貸便利餘額為6億元人民幣. 常備借貸便利利率發揮了利率走廊上限的作用, 有利於維護貨幣市場利率平穩運行. 隔夜、7天、 1個月常備借貸便利利率分別為2.35厘、 2.50厘、2.85厘.
安永預料, 本港今年將以64宗首次公開發售(IPO)及834億元集資額, 排名全球第四. 安永發表報告指, 今年全球IPO活動持續放緩, 只有1162家企業在全球上市, 集資1173億美元, 按年分別下降一成四和百分之7. 當中, 印度全年預計有314宗IPO, 集資180億美元, 宗數及集資額皆領先全球. 港交所則排名全球第四, 預計錄得64宗IPO, 按年跌百分之6, 集資83 ...